--- jupytext: formats: ipynb,md:myst text_representation: extension: .md format_name: myst format_version: 0.13 jupytext_version: 1.16.3 kernelspec: display_name: SageMath 9.7 language: sage name: sagemath --- # Relative Period Deformations ## The Arnoux-Yoccoz surface ```{code-cell} --- jupyter: outputs_hidden: true --- from flatsurf import translation_surfaces s = translation_surfaces.arnoux_yoccoz(3).canonicalize() ``` ```{code-cell} --- jupyter: outputs_hidden: false --- s.plot() ``` ```{code-cell} --- jupyter: outputs_hidden: false --- field = s.base_ring() field ``` ```{code-cell} --- jupyter: outputs_hidden: false --- alpha = field.gen() AA(alpha) ``` ```{code-cell} --- jupyter: outputs_hidden: false --- m = matrix(field, [[alpha, 0], [0, 1 / alpha]]) show(m) ``` Check that $m$ is the derivative of a pseudo-Anosov of $s$. ```{code-cell} --- jupyter: outputs_hidden: false --- (m * s).canonicalize() == s ``` ## Rel deformation A singularity of the surface is an equivalence class of vertices of the polygons making up the surface. ```{code-cell} --- jupyter: outputs_hidden: false --- s.point(0, 0) ``` We'll move this singularity to the right by two different amounts: ```{code-cell} --- jupyter: outputs_hidden: false --- s1 = s.rel_deformation( {s.point(0, 0): vector(field, (alpha / (1 - alpha), 0))} ).canonicalize() ``` ```{code-cell} --- jupyter: outputs_hidden: true --- s2 = s.rel_deformation( {s.point(0, 0): vector(field, (1 / (1 - alpha), 0))} ).canonicalize() ``` +++ {"jupyter": {"outputs_hidden": true}} Note that by the action of the derivative of the pseudo-Anosov we have: ```{code-cell} --- jupyter: outputs_hidden: false --- s1 == (m * s2).canonicalize() ``` By a Theorem of Barak Weiss and the author of this notebook, these surfaces are all periodic in the vertical direction. You can see the vertical cylinders: ```{code-cell} --- jupyter: outputs_hidden: false --- s1.plot() ```