Source code for flatsurf.geometry.straight_line_trajectory

.. jupyter-execute::

    # Allow jupyter-execute blocks in this module to contain doctests
    import jupyter_doctest_tweaks
# *********************************************************************
#  This file is part of sage-flatsurf.
#        Copyright (C) 2016-2022 W. Patrick Hooper
#                      2016-2022 Vincent Delecroix
#                           2023 Julian Rüth
#  sage-flatsurf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  sage-flatsurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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# *********************************************************************
from collections import deque

from flatsurf.geometry.euclidean import line_intersection
from flatsurf.geometry.surface_objects import SaddleConnection

# Vincent question:
# using deque has the disadvantage of losing the initial points
# ideally doig
#  my_line[i]
# we should always access to the same element

# I wanted to be able to flow backward thus inserting at the beginning of a list.
# Perhaps it would be better to model this on a deque-like class that is indexed by
# all integers rather than just the non-negative ones? Do you know of such
# a class? Alternately, we could store an offset.

[docs] def get_linearity_coeff(u, v): r""" Given the two 2-dimensional vectors ``u`` and ``v``, return ``a`` so that ``v = a*u`` If the vectors are not colinear, a ``ValueError`` is raised. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.straight_line_trajectory import get_linearity_coeff sage: V = VectorSpace(QQ,2) sage: get_linearity_coeff(V((1,0)), V((2,0))) 2 sage: get_linearity_coeff(V((2,0)), V((1,0))) 1/2 sage: get_linearity_coeff(V((0,1)), V((0,2))) 2 sage: get_linearity_coeff(V((0,2)), V((0,1))) 1/2 sage: get_linearity_coeff(V((1,2)), V((-2,-4))) -2 sage: get_linearity_coeff(V((1,1)), V((-1,1))) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: non colinear """ if u[0]: a = v[0] / u[0] if v[1] != a * u[1]: raise ValueError("non colinear") return a elif v[0]: raise ValueError("non colinear") elif u[1]: return v[1] / u[1] else: raise ValueError("zero vector")
[docs] class SegmentInPolygon: r""" Maximal segment in a polygon of a similarity surface EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import similarity_surfaces sage: from flatsurf.geometry.straight_line_trajectory import SegmentInPolygon sage: s = similarity_surfaces.example() sage: v = s.tangent_vector(0, (1/3,-1/4), (0,1)) sage: SegmentInPolygon(v) Segment in polygon 0 starting at (1/3, -1/3) and ending at (1/3, 0) """ def __init__(self, start, end=None): if end is not None: # WARNING: here we assume that both start and end are on the # boundary self._start = start self._end = end else: self._end = start.forward_to_polygon_boundary() self._start = self._end.forward_to_polygon_boundary() def __hash__(self): r""" TESTS:: sage: from flatsurf import similarity_surfaces sage: from flatsurf.geometry.straight_line_trajectory import SegmentInPolygon sage: s = similarity_surfaces.example() sage: v = s.tangent_vector(0, (1/3,-1/4), (0,1)) sage: h = hash(SegmentInPolygon(v)) """ return hash((self._start, self._end)) def __eq__(self, other): return ( type(self) is type(other) and self._start == other._start and self._end == other._end ) def __ne__(self, other): return ( type(self) is not type(other) or self._start != other._start or self._end != other._end ) def __repr__(self): r""" TESTS:: sage: from flatsurf import similarity_surfaces sage: from flatsurf.geometry.straight_line_trajectory import SegmentInPolygon sage: s = similarity_surfaces.example() sage: v = s.tangent_vector(0, (0,0), (3,-1)) sage: SegmentInPolygon(v) Segment in polygon 0 starting at (0, 0) and ending at (2, -2/3) """ return "Segment in polygon {} starting at {} and ending at {}".format( self.polygon_label(), self.start().point(), self.end().point() )
[docs] def start(self): r""" Return the tangent vector associated to the start of a trajectory pointed forward. """ return self._start
[docs] def start_is_singular(self): return self._start.is_based_at_singularity()
[docs] def end(self): r""" Return a TangentVector associated to the end of a trajectory, pointed backward. """ return self._end
[docs] def end_is_singular(self): return self._end.is_based_at_singularity()
[docs] def is_edge(self): if not self.start_is_singular() or not self.end_is_singular(): return False vv = self.start().vector() vertex = self.start().vertex() ww = self.start().polygon().edge(vertex) from flatsurf.geometry.euclidean import is_parallel return is_parallel(vv, ww)
[docs] def edge(self): if not self.is_edge(): raise ValueError("Segment asked for edge when not an edge") return self.start().vertex()
[docs] def polygon_label(self): return self._start.polygon_label()
[docs] def invert(self): return SegmentInPolygon(self._end, self._start)
[docs] def next(self): r""" Return the next segment obtained by continuing straight through the end point. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import similarity_surfaces sage: from flatsurf.geometry.straight_line_trajectory import SegmentInPolygon sage: s = similarity_surfaces.example() sage: s.polygon(0) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (2, -2), (2, 0)]) sage: s.polygon(1) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (2, 0), (1, 3)]) sage: v = s.tangent_vector(0, (0,0), (3,-1)) sage: seg = SegmentInPolygon(v) sage: seg Segment in polygon 0 starting at (0, 0) and ending at (2, -2/3) sage: Segment in polygon 1 starting at (2/3, 2) and ending at (14/9, 4/3) """ if self.end_is_singular(): raise ValueError("Cannot continue from singularity") return SegmentInPolygon(self._end.invert())
[docs] def previous(self): if self.end_is_singular(): raise ValueError("Cannot continue from singularity") return SegmentInPolygon(self._start.invert()).invert()
[docs] class AbstractStraightLineTrajectory:
[docs] def surface(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def combinatorial_length(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def segment(self, i): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_closed(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def segments(self): raise NotImplementedError
def __repr__(self): start = self.segment(0).start() end = self.segment(-1).end() return "Straight line trajectory made of {} segments from {} in polygon {} to {} in polygon {}".format( self.combinatorial_length(), start.point(), start.polygon_label(), end.point(), end.polygon_label(), )
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **options): r""" Plot this trajectory by converting to a graphical trajectory. If any arguments are provided in `*args` it must be only one argument containing a GraphicalSurface. The keyword arguments in `**options` are passed on to :func:`flatsurf.graphical.straight_line_trajectory.GraphicalStraightLineTrajectory.plot`. EXAMPLES: .. jupyter-execute:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: T = translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: v = T.tangent_vector(0, (0,0), (5,7)) sage: L = v.straight_line_trajectory() sage: L.plot() ...Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive .. jupyter-execute:: sage: L.plot(color='red') ...Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive """ if len(args) > 1: raise ValueError( "SimilaritySurface.plot() can take at most one non-keyword argument." ) if len(args) == 1: from flatsurf.graphical.surface import GraphicalSurface if not isinstance(args[0], GraphicalSurface): raise ValueError( "If an argument is provided, it must be a GraphicalSurface." ) return self.graphical_trajectory(graphical_surface=args[0]).plot(**options) return self.graphical_trajectory().plot(**options)
[docs] def graphical_trajectory(self, graphical_surface=None, **options): r""" Returns a ``GraphicalStraightLineTrajectory`` corresponding to this trajectory in the provided ``GraphicalSurface``. """ from flatsurf.graphical.straight_line_trajectory import ( GraphicalStraightLineTrajectory, ) if graphical_surface is None: graphical_surface = self.surface().graphical_surface() return GraphicalStraightLineTrajectory(self, graphical_surface, **options)
[docs] def cylinder(self): r""" If this is a closed orbit, return the associated maximal cylinder. Raises a ValueError if this trajectory is not closed. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: s = translation_surfaces.regular_octagon() sage: v = s.tangent_vector(0,(1/2,0),(sqrt(2),1)) sage: traj = v.straight_line_trajectory() sage: traj.flow(4) sage: traj.is_closed() True sage: cyl = traj.cylinder() sage: cyl.area() # a = sqrt(2) a + 1 sage: cyl.holonomy() (3*a + 4, 2*a + 3) sage: cyl.edges() (2, 3, 3, 2, 4) """ # Note: may not be defined. if not self.is_closed(): raise ValueError( "Cylinder is only defined for closed straight-line trajectories." ) from .surface_objects import Cylinder coding = self.coding() label = coding[0][0] edges = [e for _, e in coding[1:]] edges.append(self.surface().opposite_edge(coding[0][0], coding[0][1])[1]) return Cylinder(self.surface(), label, edges)
[docs] def coding(self, alphabet=None): r""" Return the coding of this trajectory with respect to the sides of the polygons INPUT: - ``alphabet`` -- an optional dictionary ``(lab,nb) -> letter``. If some labels are avoided then these crossings are ignored. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: t = translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: v = t.tangent_vector(0, (1/2,0), (5,6)) sage: l = v.straight_line_trajectory() sage: alphabet = {(0,0): 'a', (0,1): 'b', (0,2):'a', (0,3): 'b'} sage: l.coding() [(0, 0), (0, 1)] sage: l.coding(alphabet) ['a', 'b'] sage: l.flow(10); l.flow(-10) sage: l.coding() [(0, 2), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 1), (0, 2)] sage: print(''.join(l.coding(alphabet))) ababababa sage: v = t.tangent_vector(0, (1/2,0), (7,13)) sage: l = v.straight_line_trajectory() sage: l.flow(10); l.flow(-10) sage: print(''.join(l.coding(alphabet))) aabaabaababaabaabaab For a closed trajectory, the last label (corresponding also to the starting point) is not considered:: sage: v = t.tangent_vector(0, (1/5,1/7), (1,1)) sage: l = v.straight_line_trajectory() sage: l.flow(10) sage: l.is_closed() True sage: l.coding(alphabet) ['a', 'b'] Check that the saddle connections that are obtained in the torus get the expected coding:: sage: for _ in range(10): # long time (.6s) ....: x = ZZ.random_element(1,30) ....: y = ZZ.random_element(1,30) ....: x,y = x/gcd(x,y), y/gcd(x,y) ....: v = t.tangent_vector(0, (0,0), (x,y)) ....: l = v.straight_line_trajectory() ....: l.flow(200); l.flow(-200) ....: w = ''.join(l.coding(alphabet)) ....: assert Word(w+'ab'+w).is_balanced() ....: assert Word(w+'ba'+w).is_balanced() ....: assert w.count('a') == y-1 ....: assert w.count('b') == x-1 """ coding = [] segments = self.segments() s = segments[0] start = s.start() if start._position._position_type == start._position.EDGE_INTERIOR: p = s.polygon_label() e = start._position.get_edge() lab = (p, e) if alphabet is None else alphabet.get((p, e)) if lab is not None: coding.append(lab) for i in range(len(segments) - 1): s = segments[i] end = s.end() p = s.polygon_label() e = end._position.get_edge() lab = (p, e) if alphabet is None else alphabet.get((p, e)) if lab is not None: coding.append(lab) s = segments[-1] end = s.end() if ( end._position._position_type == end._position.EDGE_INTERIOR and end.invert() != start ): p = s.polygon_label() e = end._position.get_edge() lab = (p, e) if alphabet is None else alphabet.get((p, e)) if lab is not None: coding.append(lab) return coding
[docs] def initial_tangent_vector(self): return self.segment(0).start()
[docs] def terminal_tangent_vector(self): return self.segment(-1).end()
[docs] def intersects(self, traj, count_singularities=False): r""" Return true if this trajectory intersects the other trajectory. """ try: next(self.intersections(traj, count_singularities=count_singularities)) except StopIteration: return False return True
[docs] def intersections(self, traj, count_singularities=False, include_segments=False): r""" Return the set of SurfacePoints representing the intersections of this trajectory with the provided trajectory or SaddleConnection. Singularities will be included only if count_singularities is set to True. If include_segments is True, it iterates over triples consisting of the SurfacePoint, and two sets. The first set consists of segments of this trajectory that contain the point and the second set consists of segments of traj that contain the point. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: s = translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: traj1 = s.tangent_vector(0,(1/2,0),(1,1)).straight_line_trajectory() sage: traj1.flow(3) sage: traj1.is_closed() True sage: traj2 = s.tangent_vector(0,(1/2,0),(-1,1)).straight_line_trajectory() sage: traj2.flow(3) sage: traj2.is_closed() True sage: sum(1 for _ in traj1.intersections(traj2)) 2 sage: for p, (segs1, segs2) in traj1.intersections(traj2, include_segments=True): ....: print(p) ....: print(len(segs1), len(segs2)) Point (1/2, 0) of polygon 0 2 2 Point (0, 1/2) of polygon 0 2 2 """ # Partition the segments making up the trajectories by label. if isinstance(traj, SaddleConnection): traj = traj.trajectory() lab_to_seg1 = {} for seg1 in self.segments(): label = seg1.polygon_label() if label in lab_to_seg1: lab_to_seg1[label].append(seg1) else: lab_to_seg1[label] = [seg1] lab_to_seg2 = {} for seg2 in traj.segments(): label = seg2.polygon_label() if label in lab_to_seg2: lab_to_seg2[label].append(seg2) else: lab_to_seg2[label] = [seg2] intersection_points = set() if include_segments: segments = {} for label, seg_list_1 in lab_to_seg1.items(): if label in lab_to_seg2: seg_list_2 = lab_to_seg2[label] for seg1 in seg_list_1: for seg2 in seg_list_2: x = line_intersection( seg1.start().point(), seg1.start().point() + seg1.start().vector(), seg2.start().point(), seg2.start().point() + seg2.start().vector(), ) if x is not None: pos = ( self.surface() .polygon(seg1.polygon_label()) .get_point_position(x) ) if pos.is_inside() and ( count_singularities or not pos.is_vertex() ): new_point = self.surface().point( seg1.polygon_label(), x ) if new_point not in intersection_points: intersection_points.add(new_point) if include_segments: segments[new_point] = ({seg1}, {seg2}) else: yield new_point elif include_segments: segments[new_point][0].add(seg1) segments[new_point][1].add(seg2) if include_segments: yield from segments.items()
[docs] class StraightLineTrajectory(AbstractStraightLineTrajectory): r""" Straight-line trajectory in a similarity surface. EXAMPLES:: # Demonstrate the handling of edges sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: from flatsurf.geometry.straight_line_trajectory import StraightLineTrajectory sage: p = SymmetricGroup(2)('(1,2)') sage: s = translation_surfaces.origami(p,p) sage: traj = StraightLineTrajectory(s.tangent_vector(1,(0,0),(1,0))) sage: traj Straight line trajectory made of 1 segments from (0, 0) in polygon 1 to (1, 1) in polygon 2 sage: traj.is_saddle_connection() True sage: traj2 = StraightLineTrajectory(s.tangent_vector(1,(0,0),(0,1))) sage: traj2 Straight line trajectory made of 1 segments from (1, 0) in polygon 2 to (0, 1) in polygon 1 sage: traj2.is_saddle_connection() True """ def __init__(self, tangent_vector): self._segments = deque() seg = SegmentInPolygon(tangent_vector) self._segments.append(seg) self._setup_forward() self._setup_backward() self._s = tangent_vector.surface()
[docs] def surface(self): return self._s
[docs] def segment(self, i): r""" EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: O = translation_surfaces.regular_octagon() sage: v = O.tangent_vector(0, (1,1), (33,45)) sage: L = v.straight_line_trajectory() sage: L.segment(0) Segment in polygon 0 starting at (4/15, 0) and ending at (11/26*a + 1, 15/26*a + 1) sage: L.flow(-1) sage: L.segment(0) Segment in polygon 0 starting at (-1/2*a, 7/22*a + 7/11) and ending at (4/15, a + 1) sage: L.flow(1) sage: L.segment(2) Segment in polygon 0 starting at (-1/13*a, 1/13*a) and ending at (9/26*a + 11/13, 17/26*a + 15/13) """ return self.segments()[i]
[docs] def combinatorial_length(self): return len(self.segments())
[docs] def segments(self): return self._segments
def _setup_forward(self): v = self.terminal_tangent_vector() if v.is_based_at_singularity(): self._forward = None else: self._forward = v.invert() def _setup_backward(self): v = self.initial_tangent_vector() if v.is_based_at_singularity(): self._backward = None else: self._backward = v.invert()
[docs] def is_forward_separatrix(self): return self._forward is None
[docs] def is_backward_separatrix(self): return self._backward is None
[docs] def is_saddle_connection(self): return (self._forward is None) and (self._backward is None)
[docs] def is_closed(self): r""" Test whether this is a closed trajectory. By convention, by a closed trajectory we mean a trajectory without any singularities. .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`is_saddle_connection` EXAMPLES: An example in a cone surface covered by the torus:: sage: from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface, polygons sage: p = polygons.square() sage: s = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(p.base_ring()) sage: s.add_polygon(p) 0 sage: s.glue((0, 0), (0, 3)) sage: s.glue((0, 1), (0, 2)) sage: s.set_immutable() sage: t = s sage: v = t.tangent_vector(0, (1/2,0), (1/3,7/5)) sage: l = v.straight_line_trajectory() sage: l.is_closed() False sage: l.flow(100) sage: l.is_closed() True sage: v = t.tangent_vector(0, (1/2,0), (1/3,2/5)) sage: l = v.straight_line_trajectory() sage: l.flow(100) sage: l.is_closed() False sage: l.is_saddle_connection() False sage: l.flow(-100) sage: l.is_saddle_connection() True """ return (not self.is_forward_separatrix()) and self._forward.differs_by_scaling( self.initial_tangent_vector() )
[docs] def flow(self, steps): r""" Append or prepend segments to the trajectory. If steps is positive, attempt to append this many segments. If steps is negative, attempt to prepend this many segments. Will fail gracefully the trajectory hits a singularity or closes up. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import similarity_surfaces sage: s = similarity_surfaces.example() sage: v = s.tangent_vector(0, (1,-1/2), (3,-1)) sage: traj = v.straight_line_trajectory() sage: traj Straight line trajectory made of 1 segments from (1/4, -1/4) in polygon 0 to (2, -5/6) in polygon 0 sage: traj.flow(1) sage: traj Straight line trajectory made of 2 segments from (1/4, -1/4) in polygon 0 to (61/36, 11/12) in polygon 1 sage: traj.flow(-1) sage: traj Straight line trajectory made of 3 segments from (15/16, 45/16) in polygon 1 to (61/36, 11/12) in polygon 1 """ while ( steps > 0 and (not self.is_forward_separatrix()) and (not self.is_closed()) ): self._segments.append(SegmentInPolygon(self._forward)) self._setup_forward() steps -= 1 while ( steps < 0 and (not self.is_backward_separatrix()) and (not self.is_closed()) ): self._segments.appendleft(SegmentInPolygon(self._backward).invert()) self._setup_backward() steps += 1
[docs] class StraightLineTrajectoryTranslation(AbstractStraightLineTrajectory): r""" Straight line trajectory in a translation surface. This is similar to :class:`StraightLineTrajectory` but implemented using interval exchange maps. It should be faster than the implementation via segments and flowing in polygons. This class only stores a list of triples ``(p, e, x)`` where: - ``p`` is a label of a polygon - ``e`` is the number of some edge in ``p`` - ``x`` is the position of the point in ``e`` (be careful that it is not necessarily a number between 0 and 1. It is given relatively to the length of the induced interval in the iet) """ def __init__(self, tangent_vector): self._vector = tangent_vector.vector() self._s = tangent_vector.surface() seg = SegmentInPolygon(tangent_vector) if seg.is_edge(): self._points = None self._edge = seg return start = seg.start() pos = start._position if pos._position_type == pos.EDGE_INTERIOR: i = pos.get_edge() elif pos._position_type == pos.VERTEX: i = pos.get_vertex() else: raise RuntimeError("PROBLEM!") p = start.polygon_label() poly = self._s.polygon(p) T = self._get_iet(p) x = get_linearity_coeff( poly.vertex(i + 1) - poly.vertex(i), start.point() - poly.vertex(i) ) x *= T.length_bot(i) self._points = deque() # we store triples (lab, edge, rel_pos) self._points.append((p, i, x)) def _next(self, p, e, x): r""" Return the image of ``(p, e, x)`` EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: from flatsurf.geometry.straight_line_trajectory import StraightLineTrajectoryTranslation sage: S = SymmetricGroup(3) sage: r = S('(1,2)') sage: u = S('(1,3)') sage: o = translation_surfaces.origami(r,u) sage: v = o.tangent_vector(1, (1/3,1/7), (5,13)) sage: L = StraightLineTrajectoryTranslation(v) sage: t0 = (1,0,1/3) sage: t1 = L._next(*t0) sage: t2 = L._next(*t1) sage: t0,t1,t2 ((1, 0, 1/3), (3, 0, 16/3), (1, 0, 31/3)) sage: assert L._previous(*t2) == t1 sage: assert L._previous(*t1) == t0 """ e, x = self._get_iet(p).forward_image(e, x) p, e = self._s.opposite_edge(p, e) return (p, e, x) def _previous(self, p, e, x): r""" Return the preimage of ``(p, e, x)`` """ p, e = self._s.opposite_edge(p, e) e, x = self._get_iet(p).backward_image(e, x) return (p, e, x)
[docs] def combinatorial_length(self): if self._points is None: return 1 return len(self._points)
def _get_iet(self, label): polygon = self._s.polygon(label) try: return self._iets[polygon] except AttributeError: self._iets = {polygon: polygon.flow_map(self._vector)} except KeyError: self._iets[polygon] = polygon.flow_map(self._vector) return self._iets[polygon]
[docs] def segment(self, i): r""" EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: from flatsurf.geometry.straight_line_trajectory import StraightLineTrajectoryTranslation sage: O = translation_surfaces.regular_octagon() sage: v = O.tangent_vector(0, (1,1), (33,45)) sage: L = StraightLineTrajectoryTranslation(v) sage: L.segment(0) Segment in polygon 0 starting at (4/15, 0) and ending at (11/26*a + 1, 15/26*a + 1) sage: L.flow(-1) sage: L.segment(0) Segment in polygon 0 starting at (-1/2*a, 7/22*a + 7/11) and ending at (4/15, a + 1) sage: L.flow(1) sage: L.segment(2) Segment in polygon 0 starting at (-1/13*a, 1/13*a) and ending at (9/26*a + 11/13, 17/26*a + 15/13) """ if self._points is None: return self._edge lab, e0, x0 = self._points[i] iet = self._get_iet(lab) e1, x1 = iet.forward_image(e0, x0) poly = self._s.polygon(lab) l0 = iet.length_bot(e0) l1 = iet.length_top(e1) point0 = poly.vertex(e0) + poly.edge(e0) * x0 / l0 point1 = poly.vertex(e1) + poly.edge(e1) * (l1 - x1) / l1 v0 = self._s.tangent_vector( lab, point0, self._vector, ring=self._vector.base_ring() ) v1 = self._s.tangent_vector( lab, point1, -self._vector, ring=self._vector.base_ring() ) return SegmentInPolygon(v0, v1)
[docs] def segments(self): r""" EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: from flatsurf.geometry.straight_line_trajectory import StraightLineTrajectoryTranslation sage: s = translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: v = s.tangent_vector(0, (0,0), (1,1+AA(5).sqrt()), ring=AA) sage: L = StraightLineTrajectoryTranslation(v) sage: L.flow(2) sage: L.segments() [Segment in polygon 0 starting at (0, 0) and ending at (0.3090169943749474?, 1), Segment in polygon 0 starting at (0.3090169943749474?, 0) and ending at (0.618033988749895?, 1), Segment in polygon 0 starting at (0.618033988749895?, 0) and ending at (0.9270509831248423?, 1)] """ return [self.segment(i) for i in range(self.combinatorial_length())]
[docs] def is_closed(self): if self._points is None: raise NotImplementedError return self._points[0] == self._next(*self._points[-1])
[docs] def is_forward_separatrix(self): if self._points is None: return True p1, e1, x1 = self._next(*self._points[-1]) return x1.is_zero()
[docs] def is_backward_separatrix(self): return self._points is None or self._points[0][2].is_zero()
[docs] def is_saddle_connection(self): r""" EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: from flatsurf.geometry.straight_line_trajectory import StraightLineTrajectoryTranslation sage: torus = translation_surfaces.square_torus() sage: v = torus.tangent_vector(0, (1/2,1/2), (1,1)) sage: S = StraightLineTrajectoryTranslation(v) sage: S.is_saddle_connection() True sage: v = torus.tangent_vector(0, (1/3,2/3), (1,2)) sage: S = StraightLineTrajectoryTranslation(v) sage: S.is_saddle_connection() False sage: S.flow(1) sage: S.is_saddle_connection() True """ return self._points is None or ( self.is_forward_separatrix() and self.is_backward_separatrix() )
[docs] def flow(self, steps): if self._points is None: return if steps > 0: t = self._points[-1] for i in range(steps): t = self._next(*t) if t == self._points[0] or t[2].is_zero(): break self._points.append(t) elif steps < 0: t = self._points[0] for i in range(-steps): if t[2].is_zero(): break t = self._previous(*t) if t == self._points[-1]: # closed curve or backward separatrix break self._points.appendleft(t)